Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dear Curator Curate Me: Chabib Duta Hapsoro and Rizki Lazuardi

19 May 3pm, Roma Arts artist-in-resident Kristoffer Ardeña (1976, Philippines) will present Dear Curator Curate Me at Selasar Sunaryo Art Space with Chabib Duta Hapsoro and Rizki Lazuardi as the curators. Kristoffer selected 15 videos and this selection travels around the world, each place where this selection makes a stop a curator is invited to develop a discourse on these videos. Dear Curator Curate Me at Selasar Sunaryo Art Space is this project’s debut, which will continue in the Philippines, Spain, Peru, etc. This project reverses the roles of the artist and the curator in a witty manner by emphasizing the curatorial essay. This traveling project aims to show how in different contexts around the globe curators can respond to the same collection of videos and slowly this project will turn into an archive of a curatorial discourse with its many contrasting voices.

The opening will be officiated by Pak Krisna Murti and the opening will be followed by a curatorial talk at which the artist is present.

For more information:
Selasar Sunaryo Art Space:   

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