manifesto #superduperdecorativeart
1. #superduperdecorativeart comes by many names
and in different disguises.
2. We will no longer allow for any more boring
3. What cannot be said, should be joked about.
5. #superduperdecorativeart is beyond beauty
yet aesthetic.
6. #superduperdecorativeart is artificial and
characterized by a high-degree of plasticity.
7.#superduperdecorativeart has no clear-cut
genesis, it's and continuous to be the bastard child of a great many artists,
with and without talent.
8. No one is an artist until one is an artist.
9. #superduperdecorativeart embraces mimetic
desire: that our desires are our own is a wonderful illusion.
10. #superduperdecorativeart has limited use
for authenticity. Authenticity can be regarded a useful artifice though.
11. #superduperdecorativeart plays with an
infinite feedback loop: reflexive self-plagiarism is called for in our digital
12. #superduperdecorativeart quotes, samples,
pirates, forges, bootlegs, imitates, borrows, mimics, copies transposes,
plagiarizes, steals, appropriates and echoes from whatever sources we see fit:
nothing is holy.
15. #superduperdecorativeart's interventions are
unpredictable and unstable – long live contingency!
16. #superduperdecorativeart does not spell
everything out, use your imagination anyway you like to finish works on
17. #superduperdecorativeart does not aim to
bridge contemporary art and everyday life, whatever the latter might mean, but
see statement 12.
18. #superduperdecorativeart does not make
statements, let alone statements on factual reality.
19. Pure logics does not apply to the
aesthetics of #superduperdecorativeart, which does not mean that
#superduperdecorativeart is beyond discourse, but, for a change, lets speak in
French tongues, paradoxes, lies, hyperboles and contradictions.
20. Sometimes a shoe is just that: a shoe.
Sometimes a shoe does not signify or symbolize a meaningful concept or idea
(but sometimes, maybe, it does).
21. #superduperdecorativeart does not care the
slightest for democracy, but does care about/for aesthetics as well as ethics
(the two sides of the same proverbial coin).
22. #superduperdecorativeart is
post-post-colonial art as well as post-identity politics.
23. #superduperdecorativeart offers pleasure:
emotional, spiritual as well as intellectual pleasure – but can also cause
discomfort in the faint hearted. It is, therefore, best enjoyed in small doses
in good company.
25. Every day is a great day for
#superduperdecorativeart; no one has the last word on #superduperdecorativeart,
not even the artist (nor this author).
26. #superduperdecorativeart does not want to
win popularity contests, yet, #superduperdecorativeart might, one day, go viral
and become the neo-avant-garde, possibly the new 0.1 percent.
27. None of the above statements have any claim
to originality. Moreover, this manifesto is far from complete (like noise,
silence can be convenient).
28. The author cannot be hold responsible for
the interpretations of this work of fiction.
29. Copyright does not apply to the above
statements nor the manifesto as a whole.
30. None of the above statements nor the
manifesto as a whole are manifestations of art.
Needless to say, the artist does not agree with any of the above statements nor
with the manifesto as a whole.