Friday, September 27, 2013

Godspeed: a series of durational performances by Rudi Abdalah @ PLATFORM3


Rudi Abdalah

10-13 October 2013 @ PLATFORM3

curated by Roy Voragen

PLATFORM3 & Roma Arts present Godspeed, a series of four durational performances by Bandung-based performance artist Rudi Abdalah (1982; He performed at Undisclosed Territory #6, Solo, and recently at The Substation, Singapore, in a program organized by R.I.T.E.S.

1.     Devotion – Thursday 10 October 2-10pm
2.     The Underdog – Friday 11 October 2-10pm
3.     Fellowshit – Saturday 12 October 2-7pm
4.     Godspeed – Sunday 13 October 2-3pm (followed by a discussion)

Four durational performances with common threads running through: a troubled heart, on the verge of hope, organs without bodies, a pulsating and amplified beat, counting blessings and figments of reveries, icy ink and blood, overcoming and becoming, immobile traveling, rebooting belief, looking back and forth, contemplating action and act, fail, and act again… 

Godspeed |Gädspēd|
exclamation dated
an expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey.
ORIGIN Middle English: from God speed you [may God help you prosper]

Free admission & open for the public (Fellowshit for 18+ only!).

Poster design and silkscreen print by Irfan Hendrian ( - assisted by Sigit Ramadhan ( and Tandia Bambang Permadi (

Jl. Cigadung Raya Tengah No. 40
Bandung 40191
022 – 82522727

For curatorial text see here.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Art & Law: public lecture and workshop at FSRD/ITB

Art & Law
Mariska J. van Zelst-de Wit, LL.M

Public Lecture & Workshop

4 and 5 October 2013
Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB

Friday 4 October 2pm: public lecture (free admission & open for the public) – introduced and Q&A moderated by Ranti Puji Agusti – seminar room Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB

Saturday 5 October 10am: workshop (by invitation only & limited seats) – studio Intermedia 4 Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB

Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB, and Roma Arts present a public lecture and workshop by Mariska J. van Zelst-de Wit, who is legal advisor collections at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (

In her public lecture and workshop, Mariska J. van Zelst-de Wit focuses on intellectual property, copyright and contract law in connection to the arts. Artists, gallerists, program and artist managers as well as collectors, she proposes, will all greatly benefit if there is shared knowledge what the law could offer to those involved in the arts.

You can download material for the public lecture and workshop here: 

Visual Art Study Program, FSRD/ITB
Jl. Ganeca 10 – Bandung

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Undisclosed Territory #7: review

For my review of Undisclosed Territory #7, Solo, 2013, see here.

Photo above:
The Dust by Melati Suryodarmo (photo by Daniel SW)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Placebo (2)

A performance by Jason Lim and Daniela Beltrani at performance art festival Undisclosed Territory 7, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.

sweet dreams sweet

A performance by Melati Suryodarmo at Undisclosed Territory 7, Solo.


Performances by Waldemar Tatarczuk at Undisclosed Territory 7, Solo (he is the director of Labyrynt Gallery in Lublin, Poland).

Sincerely yours,

Performances by AnA Wojak at Undisclosed Territory 7, Solo. Sincerely yours, is part of the Love Letters Project and the soundtrack is by Textile Audio.

The Book of Nothingness

The Book of Nothingness - a performance by Halim HD at Undisclosed Territory 7, Solo.


A beautiful performance by Retno Sayekti Lawu at Undisclosed Territory 7, Solo.

bunker for one artist...

No one broke the glass...why? Perhaps because we are preconditioned not to touch art (this photo was taken at the Goodman Arts Center in Singapore).

anyhow blues

The feet of anyhow blues man Lee Wen (the photo was taken at Independent Archive, where I also met Jason Lee).